
>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I like to offer different services dependent on each individual case. I believe that each mother, couple and/or family have different and unique needs when it comes to bringing a child into the world. My desire is to provide emotional, physical and informational support in the best possible way that suits your needs.

I like to offer a free consultation to all and discuss and answer any questions that you may have. To set up a free consultation, please email me at dailydoula {@}

Although I have a standard fee for my Doula services, I believe that every woman should have the support, nurturing and encouragement she needs during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth, and therefore I feel it is important to stress that I do offer a sliding fee depending on each case.



I believe it is important to try and offer at least two prenatal visits:

  • The first visit will involve a personal meeting to introduce myself and to go over the services that I can offer.
  • In the second meeting, I like to offer assistance in creating a birth plan so it is clear how you envision your birthing experience to be. This birth plan can then be shared with all who are to be involved, such as your birthing partner, your healthcare provider, your doula and maybe your family. This is also a good time to run through relaxation techniques and general childbirth information.


I will be available to provide consistent emotional, physical and informational support though all stages of labor.

  • I will be on call and available for the 2 -3 week period before the due date and 2-3 week period following the birth date.
  • After the birth I will be available to provide comfort and support where it is needed, help to establish breastfeeding and answer any questions or concerns.

I like to visit the mother the following week after childbirth. I believe it is important to make sure that the mother, partner and/or family still have the support and encouragement that is needed during this postpartum period.

  • In the first visit, I like to establish how the mother is feeling physically and emotionally and to go over any problems with breastfeeding or general concerns.
  • I will continue to stay in contact and be available over the following 6 weeks and more if needed. During this time I will put together a short documented memory of the birth experience.

Again, I would like to stress that the services offered differ for each individual case. I can offer less or further support during the prenatal, childbirth or postpartum period depending on your personal needs.


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Childbirth is a time when a woman's power and strength emerge full force, but it is also a vulnerable time, and a time of many changes presenting opportunities for personal growth.

ANNEMARIE VAN OPLOO, Janet Schwegel's Adventures in Natural Childbirth
We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful. It's that women are strong.
Laura Stavoe Harm
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers ~ strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
Barbara Katz Rothman

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